Clean Architecture

So, this is the first time i’ve really played with any of the static site generators. I’m really impressed with the incredible amount of sane defaults that Hugo seems to offer. The no-nonsense of shortcodes seems hard to beat.

Since i’ve got a great big reading backlog on the go at the moment, i figured i would use this blog to keep track of my progress through them.

So this one arrived recently - i’ve had it on preorder for quite a long time but had almost forgotten about it after quite a few delays.

Clean Architecture by Robert C. Martin

I’ve only managed to make it about 2 chapters in so far.

The first chapter is mostly the same rhetoric we’ve had bashed into us in every other book. Mythical man-month exists, TDD means going faster not going slower. It does a good job of keeping it fairly concise though to be fair.

... when the sheer number of programmers is the sole driver of
output, and when little or no thought is given to the cleanliness
of the code or the structure of the design, then you can bank on
riding this curve to its ugly end."

The second chapter puts the responsibility purely on the developer as the only one capable of measuring and conveying the importance of the architecture over the behaviour.

I’ll pickup more of this one another night.