
I’m a software engineer based in the North West of England. I mostly work on the JVM but i’m partial to a bit of GoLang, Python and whatever other fads I stumble upon. Things I want to learn more about / play about with: Apache Zeppelin Pony lang

SQS Metrics in CSV

This requires an available list of sqs queues. An example of how to get some aws sqs list-queues --queue-name-prefix live-environment- | grep https | awk -F'"' '{print $2}' Once you have a list of queues. Feeding it to this script. #!/bin/bash metrics=( "NumberOfMessagesSent" "NumberOfMessagesDeleted" "NumberOfMessagesReceived" "NumberOfEmptyReceives" ) echo -n QueueName,QueryTime for metric in "${metrics[@]}" do echo -n ","$metric done echo "" while read q do echo -n $q,`date +'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'` for metric in "${metrics[@]}" do res=$(aws cloudwatch get-metric-statistics --metric-name $metric --start-time `date --iso-8601=seconds --date='2 weeks ago'` --end-time `date --iso-8601=seconds` --period 7200 --namespace AWS/SQS --statistics Sum --dimensions Name=QueueName,Value=$q | jq '.

Aws Lambda

To create and deploy a python function to AWS Lambda involves uploading all the dependent code that goes with it. The lambda calls the events endpoint in graphite which shows annotations in grafana. The trigger for me is going to be SNS. Build your function locally We need to package our code together with its dependent code. So we’re going to create a directory to keep it all in and download our dependencies to that directory.

Clean Architecture

So, this is the first time i’ve really played with any of the static site generators. I’m really impressed with the incredible amount of sane defaults that Hugo seems to offer. The no-nonsense of shortcodes seems hard to beat. Since i’ve got a great big reading backlog on the go at the moment, i figured i would use this blog to keep track of my progress through them. So this one arrived recently - i’ve had it on preorder for quite a long time but had almost forgotten about it after quite a few delays.